Friday 13 May 2016

Term 2 week 2

                           Term 2 week 2

 We have been learning a lot about solar system. these are all the planets.  Uranus, jupiter, neptune, mars and saturn, I am really enjoying learning about solar system.

Another thing is I am a milk monitor . A milk monitor is when we deliver milk to class rooms and then collect them when there finished drinking it.

Ever single Friday room 20 and room 22 goes into room 19 class room and we do a hui . A hui is when you get together in a group and sing a lot of Maori songs. It is really fun.

Today on Friday the 13th, The netball A team had there first game of netball .  We versed botany primary .  And we won.  The score was 12 to 2.

The whole year 6s went and watched a movie in the hall. It was called walli.e , it was to do with our solar system learning. It was a really cool movie and i learnt a little bit through out the movie.

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