Friday 29 July 2016

Term 3 week 1 diary post

This week we have had a busy week. We have been learning a lot of new things.

Every Tuesday and Thursday we have our cross country practice. For our cross country practices we go around the block and go for a run. 

Every Wednesday we have people come and teach us about mountain biking. Last Wednesday we had a fun biking lesson because we got to ride around the courts and we got to play a game. The game was that you had to bike around on the courts and if we put our feet on the ground  we were out,and the instructor kept making the square smaller and  smaller. I came 2 to last.

We still do SDL ( self directed learning ) . But we do it differently now. There's this google app and its called my work space, out teacher sets us task and we have to complete them by a certain time , It will come up saying on the side when it is due by.  Some of the activities that Mrs Graham set for us was a maths activity  which was when you have to explain about math symbols and the second activity was a reading activity , it was a wrinkle in time , its the same thing you have to explain about that story . I like this SDL way better because it is easier to get to .

Netball game
The netball A team had a netball game yesterday . We versed Wakaranga school. We one by 3 points the final score was 20-17.
I played GA , GA is goal attack. Goal attack is when you get to be in your square that you shoot in and the middle square and also your aloud to shoot. 

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