Thursday 18 August 2016

Recount from pakuranga

conclusion : 
Yesterday on the 17th of august most of the elm park school year 6 went to pakuranga intermediate for an open day .  We traveled by bus. We went to pakuranga intermediate so that we could see what intermediate is like.

Body :

When we first got there they welcomed us into there hall and they talked to us about what we were going to do .  After that we got split up into different groups my group was group one . first my group went to hard materials and we got to make a cup holder but we did not get to finish them.  After that we went to pacific
and we got taught the Pacific actions ( dance moves ) . It was really fun because the teacher was really funny. After that we went back to the hall and 2 students from pakuranga intermediate talked to everyone about there school.

Conclusion : 
I had a great day, there school looks like a good school.  

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